Friday, June 17, 2011

some kinda update

I'm half way through the final edits of Falcons on the Floor. It's leaner and easier on the ear, but I'm maintaining a lot of the lyricism that makes it an unusual "war" novel. Christ, it's a pretty weird war novel. Adam Robinson has been pivotal in the editing process. I'm blessed to have him. 

In the meantime, I've shelved The Last Book of Baghdad to start drafting a quick novella. It's only a super rough outline right now, but the one sentence elevator pitch gives me the creeps. In a good, that should be a movie kind of way. It's going to be refreshing to work on something that's set in the city I live in with characters based on people that some of you might know.

But it's only an outline right now so I should be working on that instead of updating this blog.  

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