Friday, August 24, 2012

So Say the Waiters update / basically writing a TV show

Okay, so here's what's going on. The first draft of the first 300 page book is finished. It's being proofed now.   I was calling the three parts actual separate books, but now the parts (episodes) will be included in one book. I hope to post those parts and the full book in late September or early October

The next book 300 or so page book is completely outlined. It will be organized the same way, in three parts of about 65-70 pages each. They will be rolled out the same way, in eBook serial form at first and then in print after a few weeks pass.

I can't believe how easy this divide and conquer serialization method is once the outline is set. I do stray from the outline when the characters steer the writing in different directions; that's perfectly natural. These characters have their own motivations that you can't predict 200 pages in advance. A simple gesture or not saying something can twist the tone and tension in ways that affect the next book. Rolling with that is fun.

I explained the synopsis to a friend last night, and he seemed more excited about the project than even I am. Now the real test begins.  

So Say the Waiters. 
So Say the Takers.
Let the kidnApping begin. 

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