Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weekend Report

We’re not sure where to eat so we end up at McCabe’s, this brisket is more like roast beef, but it’s damn good, dude at the bar has been divorced twice and he’s giving us relationship advice, Show & Tell, head first into the tent, Samsquench? twins, Mark Cugini is officially a Baltimore resident, Mike Miller passed away, memorial shots with J Rod and Adam Savage, bagels outside at Common Ground, you are adorable, off to Philly with Adam Robinson and Stephanie Barber, the Maryland House, did you guys really steal chips? reading at Fergie’s Pub, Kim Gek Lin Short's introductions were the most thoughtful and professional I've heard in a long time, of course he read for the longest, great to see you, Nate! back late that night, telling new people about the 5:10 Reading Series, Kris’s new place “above” Dio, massive Deus ex binge – what a compelling and deep game, laundry, housing down my trash bucket with raid, fuck you red ants, picked up Mary, I stole a parking spot and felt bad enough to walk up to the family and apologize, blacked catfish at Dionysus (score!), they play the dopiest movies, Frazier’s for pool, biggest whiskeys ever, you did pack a whole lot of overnight stuff, huh? getting work done at Bean Hollow, reading The War I’ve Always Wanted, Luis CK episode, a praying mantis only lives about a year, Mary plays Red Dead Redemption for over 3 hours, hearts, an episode of True Blood, bed.

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