Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Weekend Report

Aaron Cohick of Newlights Press flies in, rocked the Kinect at midnight, down to Silver Spring, cozy hotel (in the heart of “downtown”), amazing roast chicken at some place with a plume of fire by the entrance, preview party at the Pyramid Atlantic Book Fair, Val’s gorgeous woodblock prints, Micah and his GF, the Quarry House is packed, ISP every fifteen minutes, Roark is still the same (brilliant), Little Beast Press’s tiny book is lovely, Jack Spicer, making me miss my old life, some Irish pub, old Metallica, Lady Gaga, and David Allan Coe back to back, “you guys are the best crowd I’ve had in four years”, Moby Dick Kabob, bought one of Val’s big (Poe’s) Raven woodblock prints, new contacts, found a cigar, packing up, you are adorable, Austin Grill ain’t that good, around the fire with Bovie and Aaron, fixed the light fixture in the kitchen, unclogged the bathroom sink, airport, netbook to Leigh Bender, realizing how much work I have to do for the Understanding Campaign, LORD.

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