Thursday, January 14, 2010


it took seventeen pots of coffee to make this happen

would you recognize a weapon if you sat next to one?

if you pour enough of anything on me

I’ll dry up like a slug

I’ve waited all day for the room to do that to the light


she stood for twenty something years before the aftermath

some people say they only needed to hear it

to know it really happened –

you hear that?

you need more coffee then

calculated grace is no grace at all


like, I really think

I would have eaten you very slowly – shoelaces

to ankles to the soft forts of your knees – as slow

as bread – motionless in the so/so hours before

alarms – slow enough for only family & close

friends would notice


I’ve eaten a few people

they never complained

because the sex was awesome


what the hell happened to your hips? they’d say

they’re gone, you’d say




1 comment:

Tracey said...

Just here to say I love you.

That is all.