Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekend Report

More work on Publishing Genius’ logo and website, forgotten IDs in Fells, guts spilled, I missed Justin’s band (again), We Used to be Family blows us all away, Shaun Preston breaks my car, how is the line for the Taco Bell on Rt. 40 so long after 1am?, photographing the painting of Adam Robinson, Blake Butler nails it, Blake Butler runs the poker table (and wins the eagle), Dan Rumain breaks what Shaun Preston didn’t break on my car, Dukes of Hazard style through the moon roof, Dan Deacon tries to sneak in and out, SALTS! continually impressed by Arkham Asylum’s storytelling, wondering what will become of all those rifles, wondering why I love rifles so much, wondering if the emotional violence I've suffered as an adolescent has made me more violent, insane burgers by J&M, fire pit staring, smores.

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