having a wander round your blog and enjoying it mightily... Very kind of you to offer to mail your book but I live in the UK and can't expect you to pay mail as well as giving me a free copy. I shall be patient and wait until Falcons comes out in print (and I am sure it will) so I can buy a copy and say, proudly, 'I *know* the author of this. I read this before it was published.' ;) Jane Alexander
having a wander round your blog and enjoying it mightily...
Very kind of you to offer to mail your book but I live in the UK and can't expect you to pay mail as well as giving me a free copy. I shall be patient and wait until Falcons comes out in print (and I am sure it will) so I can buy a copy and say, proudly, 'I *know* the author of this. I read this before it was published.' ;)
Jane Alexander
Thank you for all your kindness, Jane.
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