Bassie’s back in the saddle – cured, no trick or treaters, no kids fallen in the well, no more roommate, Newlights Press at the Narrow House, Corie Cole’s artwork in the office, The Drownable Species (three years in the making), new kitten? Brian Evenson and a Fallout (3)/gamer connection, JGP says something flattering and much needed, fuckin’ missed Bene Gesserit Witch, Adam Robinson’s PRESSURE FACE, All Saints Day hosted by Joe Cashiola; burning letters to the future and burying food, fall backward, hard questions, relocation of Newlights Press, Underground (catastrophic!), Eric Laursen, Nacho Mammas, cat allergies, cat howling, cat snuggles.

Brian Evenson (sitting)

Drownable Species (Newlights Press) edition of 40

Corie Cole (set of three)

Brian Evenson (sitting)

Drownable Species (Newlights Press) edition of 40

Corie Cole (set of three)
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