Pay off my house by 2017, easy math there. Save as much as I can, should have $450,000 by the time I'm 55. Build a giant compound in the desert (Marfa or close to Marfa). Start a artist and writer residency program there. You are all invited.
*pre-preproduction surveying begins May 9th.
*pre-preproduction surveying begins May 9th.
You are 1 of only a few people I'd love to grow old with, man. For serious. And yeah, this plan is real... 23 years off, but very real. ;)
Where's the "Like" button on this beeyatch?
You know it. I can't think of a better long term goal (for all of us).
Surely you will need a cook on the compound? I humbly apply.
And someone to help me figure out how to keep goats from ruining the furniture. YES! I imagine we'll have a fleet of golf carts and bikes to round up chickens.
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